Tzav Rishon

צו ראשון


אנשים סימנו כי המידע עזר להם

מאת: 'Mitgaisim' Website

This test includes different types of arithmetic problems. Below each problem are listed 5 answers. You need to solve each problem and find the correct answer among the five answers. Each question has only one correct answer.

Choose the correct answer for the following questions:


1. Hannah is 12 years older than her little brother, Yossi. Hannah is 20. How old is Yossi?

a.6 years old

b.8 years old

c.10 years old

d.12 years old

e. 14 years old




2. There are 40 students in the class and each student studies one of the following majors: chemistry or geography. A quarter of the students study chemistry, how many students in the class study geography?

a. 6








3. A bus travels from Tel Aviv to Netanya in half an hour. If it is well known that the distance between Tel Aviv and Netanya is 20 kilometers, what is the average speed of the bus?

a.10 km per hour

b.20 km per hour

c.30 km per hour

d.40 km per hour

e.80 km per hour




4. It is recommended to consume 2,500 calories a day for men. The recommended calorie intake for a woman is 80% of a man. How many calories are recommended for a woman to consume per day?

a.1,500 cal

b.2,000 cal

c.2,200 cal

d.1,800 cal

e.2,400 cal




5. Out of every 10,000 people participating in the "Neighborhood Roulette" game, 10 people win a prize. What is the percentage of people winning a prize in the game?

a. 10%

b. 1%

c. 0.1%

d. 0.001%




6. 40 cooks prepare 10 pies in half an hour. How long will it take for one cook to make one pie?

a. 4 hours

b. 8 hours

c. 5 hours

d. Two hours



7. There is a sale in a certain clothing store and all shirts are sold at a 25% discount. The original prices (before the discount) are listed on the shirts.

Liat has 150 NIS to spend on a shirt. What is the original price of the most expensive shirt Liat can buy?

a. 187.5 NIS

b.175 NIS

c. 200 NIS

d. NIS 165.5


8. David went for a walk in the desert. The distance from the place of origin to his destination is 15 km, and he must reach his destination no later than 5 in the evening, before dark. David walks at a rate of 2 km per hour. What is the latest departure time David can leave to reach his destination on time?


a. 10:30

b. 10:00

c. 9:30

d. 9:00








Instructions test

This test is an instruction test. Each question is formulated as an instruction. Under each instruction there are 5 possible answers, numbered from 1 to 5. You need to choose the answer that meets the requirements of the instruction. Each question has only one correct answer. Choose the correct answer for the following questions.




The Alphabetical order is:

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z.

 1. Choose the word where the first letter and the last letter are consecutive letters of the alphabet.







 2. Choose the longest word that does not contain the letter “W” and that consists of an even number of letters.

1. Pencil

2. Network

3. Computer

4. Book

5. Dog


 3. Among the following words, choose the word that its third letter is before the letter “L” according to the alphabet.

1. Curtains

2. Case

3. Pen

4. Unknown

5. Doughnut


 4. Choose the letter that is exactly in the middle between the letters E and Q in the alphabetical order. Then, go back two letters. What letter did you get?









5. J


 5. Among the following words, find the word that its first letter is placed 5 places (in alphabetical order) before the last letter?


1. Cook

2. Girl

3. Home

4. Sound

5. Happy



6. In the following question, there are 5 numbers. Add the odd numbers and subtract the sum of the even number from the result. Choose the word that has the same number of letters as the result. 

7, 6, 5, 4, 3



a. Student

b. Fun

c. Home

d. Sound

e. Pencil



7. Here are four numbers:

6779864, 7578903, 68937449, 73095839


Choose the biggest number. If the sum of the second and the fifth digit of the number is greater than 13, choose from the following words the largest animal. If the difference is less than 13, choose the fastest animal

a. Turtle

b. Leopard

c. Elephant

d. Lizard



Formal analogy

On the left side of each question that is in front of you there are two shapes, which maintain some connection between them. Find the possible answers to the form that maintains the same relationship with the third form in the question. Each question has only one correct answer. Choose the correct answers from the following questions







Quantitative thinking


20 minus 12 is 8, Yossi is 8. Therefore, the correct answer is b


The students studying chemistry are a sum up of a quarter of the whole class, that is: there are 30 students left that are studying geography. Therefore, the correct answer is E.


If the bus travels at a distance of 20 kilometers in half an hour, then in one hour (twice or half an hour) it will travel a distance of 40 kilometers (twice of 20 kilometers), so its average speed is 40 km/h. Therefore, the correct answer is D.


This can be calculated in the multiplication exercise 2000 = 2500*0.8 Another option for calculation: 10% of 2500 is 250. Therefore, 20% is 500. 2500-500=2000 Therefore, the correct answer is B.


10 out of 10,000 equals 0.001, which equals to 0.1%. Therefore, the correct answer is C.


If 40 cooks make 10 pies in half an hour, then one cook makes a quarter of a pie in half an hour, so it will take him two hours to make one pie. Therefore, the correct answer is D.


You have to calculate the price that if you take 25% off, you get 150. That is, the purchase cost (150) constitutes 75% of the price. Therefore, in order to calculate the additional 25%, you must divide the cost by three and add the value obtained: 50. The result you will receive is the price before the discount: 200. Therefore, the correct answer is C.


will take David 7.5 hours of walking to reach his destination (15 km divided by 2 km). 17:00 (five in the evening) minus 7.5 hours of walking equals 9:30. Therefore, the correct answer is C.


Instructions test:

1. The letters M and N are successive letters (N comes after M in the alphabet). Therefore, the correct answer is A.

 2. It does have the letter W, it has 8 letters which is an even number and is the longest of the remaining possible answers. Therefore, the correct answer is C.

 3. The third letter of the word Unknown “k” is found before the letter L in the alphabetical order. Therefore, the correct answer is D

 4. The letter “k” is in the middle between the letters “E” and “Q” in the alphabetical order. If you go two letters back, you reach the letter “I”. Therefore, the correct answer is C.


 5. In the word “Girl” the letter “G” is placed 5 places before the letter “L”. Therefore the correct answer is B.

 6. The sum of the odd numbers is 15. The sum of the even numbers is 10. 15 minus 10 equals 5. The word “sound” has 5 letters. Therefore the correct answer is D.

 7. The largest number among the listed numbers is 73095839. The sum of the second digit (3) and the fifth digit (5) is 8. 8 is less than 13 so we are looking for the fastest animal from the list which is Leopard. Therefore, the correct answer is B.


Verbal analogies:

The right shape in the pair of shapes is a mirror reflection (placed on the right side) of the left shape. Therefore the correct answer is A.


The shape on the right side is reversed in relation to the left shape and the part of the left shape that was painted black was deleted. Therefore the correct answer is C.


The shape on the right side has grown compared to the shape on the left, and in addition the filling of the inner and outer parts have switched. Therefore the correct answer is B.


The shape turned 45 degrees to the right and kept its color. Therefore, the correct answer is D.


The shape on the right has rotated 180 degrees and is inverted compared to the shape on the left. Therefore the correct answer is A.


The shapes on the right have been separated, they become smaller and alternated compared to the shape on the left. Therefore the correct answer is A.


The shapes switched places so that what was at the top of the circle went down to the bottom and what was at the bottom of the circle went up to the top. Therefore the correct answer is C.


The lower shape flipped 180 degrees and connected to the upper shape. Therefore the correct answer is D.


Good luck!

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Tzav Rishon Stations
First Order: Busting Myths